I have a comprehensive list of e-mail addresses. If you change yours please let me know as some have bounced recently! Note:Data is software protected against ID fraud, is filed on a removable USB hard drive, and NOT disclosed to third parties without owner consent.

If you wish to seek a former colleague-place your request here! All replies to me in first instance please and I will put you in touch! Please be aware that many of our former colleagues may no longer be with us! It takes a long time for messages to reach families and friends which are often passed on by word of mouth. Please note: The following requests are NOT directly linked. Please contact me and I'll pass on your request as soon as possible. If you do make contact please inform me and request that your entry be removed from this listing or a comment made. There is about a 30% success rate with new contacts made.

12.11.2015:Fiona Lyle (now Daniels), seeks to find Mark Lowe squad 8507. Contact me for Fiona's e-mail address.

12.11.2015:Terry Wilton, formerly 590 squad, seeks contact with any former squad members. Contact me for Terry's e-mail address.

12.11.2014:Jayne, the daughter of former RMP John Mason 536 squad, would like to hear from anyone who served with or knew John during his service with RMP 1955-1956. John passed away in 2007. Any information to Ian please.

18.09.2012:I have received the following from Steve Leech. Please ask me for Steve's details if you can assist. Ian.

Recently six former members of Lubbecke Detachment 112 Pro Coy managed to get back in contact. We met up in August and had a visit to the National Memorial. There was Ian Hay, Steve Street, Alan Hunt, Dave Murphy, Glynn Tweddle and myself. We would really like to contact anybody who was stationed with us in Lubbecke in the period of 1974–1978 when the detachment closed. Thanks for any assistance.Steve Leech.

26.05.2012:IAN BURNS(Mouse), formerly R50 squad and 160;227 Pro.Coys. would like to hear from former colleagues. Details to me please-Ian.

01.05.2012:FRED HAYCOCK would like to contact anyone from 184 squad Inkerman 1950 and/or 3 Inf. Div. Pro. Coy. Moascar, Egypt 1951/1952, especially Robin Griffiths, who worked in the company office,and came from Peny Goes North Wales.

02.05.2012:Former WO2 DANNY KAVANAGH would like to hear from anyone who remembered him during his 24 years of service. Please contact him at CLICK

15.02.2012:Could you kindly add a search for the following former RMP. Dennis TRUSSLER ex Squad 374 & 165 Pro Coy, Manchester, 1954 and Korea. He hails from Dorking, Surrey, and Ian WISEMAN ex 165 Pro Coy. Manchester, 1954. He hails from Beck Row, Suffolk. Colin Whatman. Details to me please which I'll pass to Colin.

13.02.2012:CPL.STEPHEN GUY:I am Reinhard Oys and I am looking for an former RMP Cpl.Stephan Guy, who was on duty in the 1980's in Germany. At that time I lived in Helmstedt at the border to the GDR, where Stephen served at the checkpoint. We were friends for nearly two years. In 1984 he was transferred to Münster into a differnt RMP-Unit. He later finished his duty in the army and went back to Britain. Unfortunatly, our contact ended. Details to me please-Ian.

08.12.2012:MICHAEL POWELL is seeking to make contact with BILL COLE formerly squad R18b and later WO2 SIB. Details to me please.

30.01.2012:Does anyone remember ROY EDWARD LAMPHEE, who trained at Mychett in 1947 and then served in Hong Kong? If so, his daughter Ros would like to hear from you. Please contact me for details.

20.10.2011:I have received this request from Bryan Johnson:"Ian, Being much older and bolder than ever I would dearly love to hear any news on the following former 1 (BR) Corps members whom I left behind back in 1958;-Sgt. D Green, L/Cpls. 'Spider' Warne, 'Darkie' Wright, Don Woodhams , and any ex. 551 Squad members who did not get posted to BAOR. This would be a 'demob' bonus before marching off to the big parade ground.......Long live Inkerman. Bryan Johnson. 23275206".

29.09.2011:TERRY McDONALD: Doffy Carter is looking for Terry (Terence) McDONALD who trained at Inkermann Barracks about 1963/4. He came from Crook, Co. Durham. He was living at 12 Coniston Cres., Crook, but moved suddenly in 2003. It is believed that he became an ambulance driver after leaving RMP.

26.08.2011:I have received this request from former Sgt. Matt Ward, SIB. "Ian, Can I please pass on a request for help from a 75 year old visitor to my local, former 23203857 Alan Brookman RMP. He served between 1954 and 1957 in Düsseldorf and the Hoek of Holland . He is trying to locate former 22997892 LCpl (then) Graham Nicholson RMP. If anybody has any knowledge of Graham or his whereabouts, Alan would be very grateful".

27.07.2011:Derrick Palmer wishes to get in touch with Alan Barton, formerly 505 squad. Does anyone have Alan's contact number or e-mail addy please?

02.06.2011:KEN DOBSON formerly squad 243, would like to catch up with former colleague DEREK WOODHEAD, also squad 243.

10.05.2011:MIKE LAMBERT, formerly Squad R54 wishes to make contact with Peter A. Wylie, formerly Squad R32 (May 1963), who migrated to Australia 1968/ 1969 and got married in Adelaide. Wife's name Susan?????, witness was Gordon Speirs, also of Edinburgh. He lived in Edinburgh and the address is believed to be Craiglochart Loan.

08.04.2011:CHAS. BENNETT formerly squad R20, would be pleased to correspond with anyone that served with him in 247 Pro.Coy;51 Gurkha Pro.Coy;200 Pro.Coy. (48 Bgde-HK);101 Pro.Coy.-Düsseldorf, from 1962 to 1971. Chas now lives in Canada.

24.03.2011:IDWAL WYN JONES (Taff)-Sgt.Previously 173 squad in training (1950) – thereafter 209. Pro. Coy. (Benghazi), then 165 Manchester (1952). After that – Suez (1956), would like to hear from former colleagues.

06.03.2011:RODERICK MacLEAN, formerly Squad 301 Inkerman Barracks in 1952, would like to hear from former colleagues who trained with him or served with him in the 18th Inf Pro Coy, Kuala Lumpur. He is still in good health. He doesn’t have access to the internet but can be contacted via his son, (also Roderick) who lives just 5 minutes away. Ask me (Ian) for e-mail and/or snail mail address/'phone number.

28.02.2011:DENIS O'SHEA is trying to find former Cpl.Stewart (Stuart) 'Geordie' CLARKSON. They were together in HQP&SS Joint Services Police, Aden, in 1965. Geordie left and went to Catterick and Denis went to Colchester and remained in the job, but it is believed that 'Geordie' left and returned to Tyne-Side, can anyone out there help ? Contact Denis at: CLICK

05.10.2010:MIKE DANIELS & the late HARRY EASTWOOD (who passed away on 01.08.2010), were in squad 315. Harry's son Mark & Mike Daniels would like to hear from any former colleagues who were in squad 315 or later in 247 Berlin Pro. Coy.

** REX BEARD, formerly squad 249, and TONY BLUNT, ex 1 (BR) Corps Pro.Coy.Bielefeld. Anyone know their whereabouts?