RHQ Shop & Museum

RMP Shop & Museum..... Last update July 16th 2014....

The RMP shop is situated within the grounds of Southwick Park. It has a variety of items of interest like badges, ties etc., for sale to past and serving members of the Corps as well as to the general public. Like the museum, the shop can be visited by appointment only, it is staffed by volunteers, and is open between 1000 and 1630 Monday through Friday. All profits go to RMP funds supporting ex RMP in need. Note:You'll need permiision to get past the guard to visit the museum which is why you need to make an appointment!Bring some form of ID e.g., Passport;Drivers Licence;RMPA Member Card etc., Ph.023 9228 4651 or you can e-mail:

shop_rhqrmp@btconnect.com or Ph.023 9228 4372 or e-mail: Museum_rhqrmp@btconnect.com

To view the shop catalogue on-line: CLICK HERE....Then click 'SHOP'.

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Subscription enquiries and payment to Reg.Sec.RHQ RMP. E-mail: regsec_rhqrmp@btconnect.com